Monday, February 3, 2014

Chapter 3: France
     This was something weird I stumbled upon, France's government is supporting gay rights and legalizing a gay marriage while the  people are against it.
     At first glance I got the impression that everyone was against it but further investigation made it clear that it was just the conservative party that was.
     This anti-gay rights movement reminded me of the ones we had in the US. There were hundreds of protests for the legalization of gay marriage and from those who opposed it. There still are rallies today, and each state decides whether it will be allowed or not. There are now 17 states that allow same sex marriage in the States.
      Roskin talks about racial problems France has against  Muslims who are now 9 percent of France's population but in view of gay rights Muslims and  Conservative Catholics are on the same side and do not want gay marriage legalized or for the government to make it easier for homosexual couples to have children.
     Although people are changing there will still be people that do not agree because if their beliefs. in the future, hopefully France will come to an agreement so everyone is content with their county. But people don't work that way.

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