It is a hectic time to live in
Mexico at this point in time. There are drug lords running rampant and killing
innocent people and the economy is failing as well. The government is not doing
a good job of keeping their people safe. There are different levels of
corruption in Mexico and they all pose a threat to the safety of Mexico’s
people and its close neighbors.
Even if
the justice system has not worked out in anyone’s favor, except perhaps “El
Chapo” the drug lord who was recently caught, it is safe to assume he is responsible
for a lot of the body bags in Mexico. Throughout the years he has bribed
policemen and government officials to work for him, and the sad part is that
they do and we do not know about a lot of them. Drug trafficking is a huge
problem in today’s world and it needs to end.
If you think about it, its hard to keep people safe in Mexico when the police are so corrupt The police get paid such a minimal amount that they can easily be bribed. My friend goes to Mexico often and whenever they egt pulled over, they just had the police a $20 bill and thats that. Imagine if we tried that here... Also, since the crime and drug wars are so fierce, it seems like there is no way to stop it because its too overwhelming